Own your Zone of Genius

Weekly Words of Wisdom

         “The most important thing each of us can know is our unique gift and how to use it in the world.”

          -Robin Wall Kimmerer in “Braiding Sweetgrass”

Each of us has something unique and essential to contribute to the movement towards collective liberation.

Your purpose is to discover your gifts and cultivate the courage you need to share those gifts with the world.

This week in Courageous, I am offering a few ways you can further align with your unique gifts… so you can feel more deeply aligned with your purpose in your business.

Radical Clarity Reframe

You don’t have to be good at everything. You’re allowed to pour your energy into the projects that bring you joy, fulfillment, and security.

Get clear on what is yours, and what’s outside of your scope. There is no shame in saying “I don’t do that” or “I don’t know… that’s not my area of expertise.”

Folks spend a lot of time trying to know “enough” about a lot of different things. (And we can thank the Patriarchy and Capitalism for that)

What if we just pour our energy on cultivating our unique gifts for this world?

Culture Building Tools

It’s so important to know your strengths + honor your role(s) in your community.

No one expects you to know/do all the things! (at least no one whose opinion actually matters)

Not sure what your strengths are?

Take a look at Gallup’s Clifton Strengths Assessment and the Ecosystem of Social Change. Both of these will help you understand your unique skill sets.

I use both to help my clients identify their gifts and see how they’re best equipped to support their community.

Knowing your strengths can help you make crucial business decisions with integrity… and help you build a deep sense of self-trust and courage.

Feminist Business Practice

Name your brilliance AND your limitations.

Stop trying to diminish the value of your skillset. Be explicit about your zone of genius. And give yourself permission to shine.

Let people know what you’ve got… so they know they can get it from YOU.

Also, let folks know when you are exploring something new or edgy. There’s nothing wrong with admitting that you have more to learn. We all do.

When you are clear about what is NOT your area of expertise, you strengthen the power of your brilliance.

That’s it for this week’s edition of Courageous!

Talk soon,

Love + Liberation
Lauren Elizabeth