About 9 months ago, I wanted to give up on my business.
Actually, I wanted to give up on it four separate times (that I can think of) over the last 2 years
Which shows you how demoralized + disillusioned I was — I didn’t feel like I was receiving anything for all of the work I was putting in.
But I didn’t give up.
I didn’t give up because in those moments of feeling fed the fuck up with everything about my business…
I couldn’t imagine doing anything else with my life.
I truly believe in the power of justice informed business to change the world.
But I knew since I’ve worked and lived in a capitalist system my whole life, belief was just one part of the “successful business” equation.
I knew I needed to be generating more income…
But I was dealing with so much doubt, and fear about how people were receiving my work.
Even though nothing seemed to be working, I kept at it.
I continued to send value-packed emails.
I continued to share my process on social media… in the hopes that my community would learn from my mistakes and successes.”
And I recommitted to my 2020 theme…
Imperfect perseverance.
This idea came to me back in 2018, when I was struggling with perfectionism. I felt paralyzed by my fear of making mistakes, or causing harm, or being called out.
But I realized that in my efforts to show up perfectly, I wasn’t showing up at all.
So I made a BIG adjustment, and started focusing on showing up imperfectly — And I instantly felt free — imperfection allowed me to show up consistently, learn from my mistakes, and acknowledge my errors with humility.
And of course, as I recommit to Imperfect Perseverance, it has some big lessons for me.
Because so far this year, my business stuff hasn’t gone as planned.
For example…
I had to adjust my calendar as soon as we got to Guatemala because the wifi is spotty.
This meant rescheduling two online workshops and pushing the start of my group coaching program ALTAR back more than a month.
Even in all the beauty of Lake Atitlan, I was feeling stressed and pretty anxious about how my first quarter would turn out.
But among all the uncertainty, I focused my energy on what I do best:
Create valuable content for my community and deepen my commitment to bringing justice informed business practices to the world.
And last week, something clicked.
Multiple folks booked discernment calls to discuss working with me.
I had two people enroll in ALTAR, even though I really just began the marketing process.
Someone booked a 1:1 catalyst session with me through Instagram… without ever having talked to me before.
I was invited to work on a fabulous project with a team of people working to bring consciousness + culture shifts to corporate businesses.
And one of my justice informed mentors (even though we’ve never worked 1:1 together, I still call her a mentor) reached out to offer support and tell me to keep going.
This kind of week is what I have been working towards since I started my business.
It felt so good to be seen and have my work be received by so many people.
And let me make something clear…
Anyone who says external validation doesn’t matter hasn’t shown up for months and months with little to show for it.
I needed this breakthrough…
And now I feel so full and refueled.
All the work I put in since starting my business is finally paying off.
I’m sharing this with you because I bet there have been times when you wanted to quit.
You might even be having those thoughts right now.
But I want to encourage you to keep showing up.
Do what you need to do to nurture + refuel yourself, and then refocus on your mission.
Because consistency is key.
Please keep going!
Your medicine is needed…
and your breakthrough is coming!
Love + Liberation
Lauren Elizabeth
There are 6 spots left in ALTAR — A 12 week justice informed business immersion for spiritually aligned entrepreneurs… And the next two folks who enroll will receive a 90 minute 1:1 session with me for FREE!
Click here for all the info and to register.