Revolution is an inside job [Grounded Oracle Forecast: September]


I’m shaking things up a bit, and instead of my standard weekly Radical Reflection, I’m sharing the first monthly Grounded Oracle Forecast with you.

I will be offering these monthly forecasts exclusively to the folks who are signed up to get weekly emails from me. I’m sharing this first one on my blog so that YOU can get signed up, if you aren’t already subscribed.

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Okay… on the September’s Forecast

We just moved through a massive portal of collective illumination.

It’s been intense, painful, chaotic, but also incredibly activating.

Tonight’s Full Moon in Pisces is inviting us to shine a light on how we feel, and use our internal knowing to guide us as we move forward.

It’s through this emotional lens, tinted with global pandemic, social uprisings, police violence, political fear mongering, and mass media manipulation, that we have to discern how to navigate through the coming weeks.

For the month of September the energy is about transmutation and transition. It’s about going inwards to get clear on the most impactful way forward.

I pulled three cards for us.

One to inform us of how the past might be impacting our current perspective. A second to help us connect with a strategy for moving through this current moment. And a third to guide us as we prepare for what comes next.

What follows is a breakdown of what each card is telling us, as well as some practices to help all of us move through these transformative times.

Ace Of Wands –

This card marks the beginning of a new chapter or cycle. It is an invitation to slow down and rest before we dive into what’s coming.

It’s almost saying “What’s the rush? We already know there’s more work ahead.. we might as well refuel whenever we can.”

Before we dive into the inevitable work that lies ahead, we can (and should) grant ourselves the space to clearly sense into what our next move is.

And to allow ourselves to sit in wonder of all of what is possible.

The reminder from this card is that rest is productive and that just because you aren’t moving forwards doesn’t mean you aren’t moving towards your goals.

Practice: Feeling the need to refuel?

Practice inner flame gazing. Close your eyes if that feels safe, or just find a soft gaze somewhere around you.

Imagine a flame in a dark room. Observe it as it flickers, white, orange and blue. As you inhale allow the flame to expand, and as you exhale allow the flame to contract. Again and again, witness the flame expand and contract with your breath.

Practice this for a few minutes and then check back in with your energy levels.

The Hermit –

All this Virgo energy is calling us inward. It’s time to do the shadow work so that as you move forward, you can do so from a place of healing and groundedness.

Right now we are being invited to reevaluate our boundaries and check in with how our practices and relationships are supporting our unique purpose.

The Hermit is also suggesting that we get our home in order, wherever we are currently rooting, it feels like it’s time to invest some energy in making a house a home.

Practice: Are you struggling to get connected with that powerful inner truth?

I want to invite you to practice pausing throughout your day and checking in with your present thoughts, feelings, and sensations. (thoughts are of the mind, feelings are connected to the emotional body, and sensations are in the physical body)

This practice of sensing, feeling, thinking will help you get grounded and will allow you to tune in with the different ways your intuition might communicate with you.

Knight of Cups –

This card is preparing us for the themes that await us in Libra and Scorpio season. Themes that support us to move calmly through the flames of transformations and help us to descend into the darkness while maintaining a sense of ease and grace.

Okay… I can’t promise it will be graceful, but I do feel that we’ve been practicing life in chaos since March(maybe even before that for some of us), and at this point it’s feeling more natural to move with waves.

As we move through the month of September we are being asked to get ready for a massive transmutation of energy. It’s a month of nurturing, resting and refueling so that when the next cycle starts we are

Practice – What are some activities that give you energy?

Make a list. Maybe it’s cooking a meal for loved ones. Maybe it’s going for a morning walk. Or maybe it’s committing to 30 minutes of creative writing a day.

Whatever your favorite refueling activities are, it is important that you take a little extra time this month to pour into yourself.

Personal Forecast:

The next few months are going to be intense, but you already have the tools you need to move through them. Practice using those tools this month. Remember that resting is an act of resistance in a system that demands constant productivity.

Purpose Work Forecast:

This month is about getting clear and planning for what comes next, while also maintaining a sense of flexibility. We are building culture around our purpose work in unpredictable/unprecedented times which means that we need to stay connected to our big vision and committed to a process of emergence.

Movement Forecast:

We are transmuting big energy. And that alchemical work requires a significant amount of our collective resources. During this cycle it is going to be important to lean into your community and to get incredibly clear on the boundaries and expectations within those communal circles.

Collective Message:

Revolution is an inside job. We have to embody the culture we want to create. These is the times we’ve been practicing for.

Does this forecast resonate with you?

I would love to know what is coming up for you as you prepare for the month ahead! If you feel like sharing, drop a comment, and let me know what’s present for you right now.

Love + Liberation

Lauren Liberation

PS – Someone always asks, so I’m just going to share upfront that these cards are from the She Wolfe Tarot Deck by Serpent Fire