Retrograde strikes again [Tech issues + Biz lessons]

This weekend, I was working on a website for an upcoming launch and I couldn’t get the damn email sign up notifications to work. (yes… I build websites as a fun side gig)

I could not for the life of me figure out how to get this thing to send a damn notification email.

I compared it with the other forms on the site that were working…

I made sure all the settings were right…

And I just couldn’t get it to work.

Ughhhh. (fucking retrograde)

After watching multiple how-to videos on YouTube – and trying every possible solution I could find with ZERO luck – I was ready to give up.

I decided to read one last article before calling it quits, and that’s when I found the answer that I desperately needed.

There is a plug-in for the website that catalogs all form submissions and stores them for viewing.


It’s not the answer I was looking for, but it is a solution to the problem I was trying to solve.

As I celebrated this small win, I realized there was a lesson here.

When you are searching for a single solution, it’s easy to miss other answers to your problem.

Sometimes having laser focus is good. But oftentimes, our laser focus is so narrow we miss the bigger picture.

Which is an important lesson to carry into our businesses.

We all need to stay open to different possible solutions. There are potentially thousands of solutions to one problem.

When you’re able to see the bigger picture… and remove yourself from that laser-focused view of our problem…

You become more resilient.

You become more dynamic.

And you move through problems much faster than you would if you maintained the narrow view.

So when you feel like you just can’t find the answer to a nagging problem…

Take a few deep breaths and open yourself to new possibilities.

You might be surprised to find your answer quickly popping into view.

Love + Liberation
Lauren Elizabeth